Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Reaction to the Holocaust links.

The Holocaust as stated before is something that everytime you read or look at pictures about it you find out more and more. You get a creepy eary feeling when you look at the pictures and read the texts, it effects you as if it happens every single time. There is so much that we can learn from the holocaust, so there is no reanactment of it. Even though there is Genocide in the world today, maybe we can stop it before it escalates. Often times it wasn't just the jews that were being persecuted it was also muslims or christians, or whoever got stuck in that horrible bloodbath. Its important to realize the consequences of our actions because they are people just like you and me, people who have different religions different backgrounds, and it is in our nature as humans to want some sort of scapegoat, someone to put all of our troubles on. Someone to blame for everything that happens, and we see this reaccuring today. It makes you thankful for everything that you have, whether its a little or alot, because these people went months without showering, they were thirsty and hungry, and had nothing to their name. It shows how much a few words can affect a whole nation, and one act can change everything. It shows how easy people can be manipulated, and how easy it is to reshape what we think as a whole. I also found out why Jews were hated, why they werent liked. They were a sub culture, maybe even a counter-culture, and Hitler just didn't like them, and his ruling power over powered everyone else, and created the SS's and the Nazis. Not only was it Germanys fault it was ours for putting on blind folds to what was happening. If we don't recognize Genocide, the systematic killing of any different culture, such as everything that is happening in Africa, than a mistake will surely happen like this again.

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