Sunday, October 19, 2008

Holocaust links

I really enjoyed this site. It gives actuall speeches that hitler and the nazis gave. Instead of just basic information that we always read about it gives a look into how the Nazi's felt about everything. What made them like Hilter so much. What was so captivating about his speeches. It gives a look into what he felt. Alot of the sites out their relate more to the jews rather than looking into the Nazis. Here is a qoute from one of Hitlers speeches that I thought reallly defined who he was..."Nature is cruel; therefore we are also entitled to be cruel."

This site is helpful because it gives a timeline of how and when they killed the jews. It gives a list of all the concentration camps and what happened in each one of them, and the date that they were made. It gives a look at the different types of killings, and it tells how many people were killed, and how the Nazis practiced euthanasia there. Over 120, 000 people were killed from the Nazi "Euthanasia" acts.

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