Wednesday, October 8, 2008

America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference

The Holocaust is something we all know alot about, well assumming we do, we've heard about it for years and years in school, how millions upon millions of jews were killed by the Nazi's, and so on and so on. We all understand it was a horrible time, and something that we as all people should be ashamed of. It's funny though how you find out more and more about it each time. Watching America and the Holocaust opened my eyes, even more up to the situation. I never knew that they shipped the Jews to the United States, as if they were slaves. I still can't understand why the jews were that big of a mennace over there, and back home in the America's. I never knew that we also hated them, and thought of them, as basically stated before a mennace. I would really like to know why they were such hated people, other than maybe them not believing in God, but there are so many different religions out there that don't, why would, just them, be the target of the attacks. I never knew that the president ignored the crisis for awhile, and acting like it didn't happen. This basically just all relates to ethocentrism, which basically is people judging other cultures so harsh, because theres is obviously the best. Right? It is horrible that the German people would commit such horrid acts, but it is also bad on our part for putting up a wall, basically, so no jew could immigrate over here. The Death camps were freed in 1945, think about it, its not really that long ago, and it effects us, and how we view all other people. I believe it said that it started in the late 1930's so it last about seven years. Thats years and years of pain and torture ensued on countless number of people. Over three million jews were masacred in ways, and treated so horribly, that some people don't want to believe that it is in fact true. I'm glad we learn about it in school because it helps us to see how powerful dictatorship can be, and how negative actions, effect our youth today. I hope all the Nazi want-to-be people out there understand the true meaning behind the swastika, and realize that its not cool, that in fact it should be considered imbarising.

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