Sunday, September 7, 2008

Research Topics

Things that I am interested in...

A. Animal cruelty
1. What happens in animal cruelty
2. What major or non major companies contribute to it
3. The physchological aspects of how it effects the animals, and how it contributes to our well being
4. What would happen if we stopped animal cruelty
5. Are there any alternatives?
B. Drug Use
1. What schools have more of it
2. What behaviors lead to it
3.What harm does it actually do to your body, physically and emotionally?
4. How your body reacts to drugs and what in us makes us addicted
5. When does it start effected other people not just you
C. Carcinogens
1. Where can the be found?
2. What cells do they damage in your body
3. How do they increase your risk of getting cancer
4. What is the difference between natural carcinogens and man made ones.
D. Racism
1. What states still practice racism
2. what are the effects of racism
3. What are the basic laws to restrict it
4. How does physcology and sociology effect racism


stevenR. said...

interesting topics..haha. Kathryn you are such a smart girl. you gonna help me on my paper?

ps. next time i stay with you after class, you gotta buy me a drink haha

tylerstudent29 said...

I think the animal cruelty would be a great paper