Monday, September 22, 2008

Racism essay

The whole basis of racism is that it is involved with society. Psychological and sociological aspects all play into the role that allows racism to be passed down from generation to generation. Considering racism is unavoidable, there plays the role what levels of racism are normal and what are fanatical. What is racism the belief that ones own race is predominant, and this causes a sort of sociological clash between different groups of people, which is pretty much the norm for these days. So is any form of racism really that acceptable. Different standards form from area to area, but when the racism becomes fanatical, and to much, that’s when it becomes a problem, for example when violence becomes an issue. When racism crosses the line is another problem that refers to the fanatical aspects of it, which we will further cover in this essay. As for the people it effects, I believe every group of people are racist, whether or not its about skin color, the size of the person, or any other form of prejudice attitude that we have for one another. Our future generations have been going through phases involving racism. Now we even have a black president running in the office, something that even ten years ago no one would of guessed it was possible. So what I’m trying to say though is no matter how we develop people judgmental accusations will always arise, and inevitably occur. It is with those subjects that I will discuss what is normal and what is fanatical.

1 comment:

stevenR. said...

kathryn you are so smart, i would love to have a deep and meaningful conversation with you over a nice seafood dinner.