Thursday, August 28, 2008

Outline: So you wanna????

I. So you wanna get out of a traffic ticket?
A. So, you're not Cheech or Chong, but you aren't exactly Ned Flanders either
1. Even though cops and Americas most wanted are tv shows, they wouldn’t be that fun to be on.
2. every one whether you follow the rules or not is bound to get a ticket some point and time in their life.
B. So what happens if you don’t want to pay the traffic find?
1. also give up all your little conveniences to pay it off
2. this is to avoid getting a ticket, not getting out of one already issued.
3. not a surefire way to get out, especially if speeding
4. don’t speed
II. So what are the two major types of traffic tickets you say?
A. moving violations and non moving violations
1. ex. Speeding, running stop signs, failure to obey traffic laws
2. ex. Of non-moving are parking in wrong spot, parking car illegally
III. Every year over 34 million people receive a traffic ticket from a police
A. Most people now are disregarding money issues, but haha the government isn’t
1. average ticket is about $150
2. over 5 billion go to the govt. for traffic tickets each year
B. The money from traffic tickets supports much of our civil service industry
1. police officers, accountants, court secretaries, attorneys, insurances and more.
2. it helps the government when police give tickets.
3. Don’t drive recklessly no matter what

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